"we are all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, thats all."

So here I open up my bizarre side to the world of unknown. I am interested in all sort of girlY stuff, means you'll be seeing a lot of post on nail arts, dressing up for parties and body image issues. Not to mention my awkward moments at the University and blah blah.

I am also a great great music fan. The kind of person who turn on the volume to hundred on the radio, lock my room door and forget the rest of the existence. I listen to almost anything except for Jazz! I am still wondering how come it even became music!

Updates on the economy, how horribly I am tortured by the lack of money circulating in the economy will also be discussed.

Hope you enjoy going through my blog :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Yahoo Cancer Horoscope

When you need to postpone great plans early in the day, just hang on until late afternoon. Your sudden free time will turn into an exciting montage of friends, romance and indulgent fun!

Guess what??? Its surprisingly true. Actually YAHOO has been always true to me :)

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